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What do you do?

I provide management support at a Director and strategic level to small and medium sized business utilising my extensive and broad knowledge of people and business.  

I am an advocate of empathy in leadership and the importance of building teams.


Although I have a strong property background I provide support to all types of businesses.

Why should I speak with you?

Well this one is more about you and your business. Do you have times when you don’t know which way is up? Struggling to get clarity on your objectives then it may be the time to recognise the need for some business help and support from a “critical friend”.

The services that I provide are bespoke to your circumstances and can include business planning, strategic advice, organisational support, leadership, people, planning and a sounding board that can draw on my knowledge and experiences.

Do you make business decisions?

No. I definitely do not make decisions about your business. You will run your business and the operational side of the business at all times.


My role provides strategic support in achieving your short to long-term goals and objectives.

What does success look like?

My objective is to provide value to you and your business. Success is seeing individuals and businesses thrive in any market and economic environment. 

Do you help Start ups?

Yes, in fact start ups are one of the areas that I feel my knowledge and experience can help really well with.

Do you offer one off or ongoing support?

The answer to this one is both. Some clients need initial support, but this usually moves into an ongoing relationship which meets your needs. Others need structured support with bi monthly, monthly or quarterly meetings.

A key part of embarking on this process for individual MD’s and boards is to have an open approach to improving. Regular meetings are important to ensure accountability and an understanding of the current needs and challenges of the business. It is hard to add value and strategic direction without regular contact and meetings.

How do you charge for your services?

Initially we will have a conversation, ideally face to face in order for me to understand the needs of your specific business. From this initial meeting I will then provide you with a fee quote, this usually is on the basis of a full day or half day rate.

We would then agree an initial approach and this usually involves me spending a full day with you in your business. From this day I will formulate a plan specific to your business with my observations, thoughts, opportunities etc. 

I see that you are a member of the Institute of Directors (IoD)

Yes that is right. I am a strong believer of being supported myself and the IoD is a great way for me to hone my skills and continue to learn.

Is your involvement confidential?

Yes, the advice and input I have in your business is confidential. If needed I am able to sign a Non Disclosure Agreement (NDA) to ensure that you are comfortable that details of your business are confidential.  

Tell me an interesting fact about you?

​As watch leader on a 60ft racing yacht taking part in a round the world race in my early 20’s I recognised that the key to success in anything is people. The lessons that I learnt over 20 years ago whilst circumnavigating the world have stayed with me and form the backbone of my outlook, thoughts and growth outlook.

I have some questions?

​Great, we would love to hear from you. 

How do I make contact with you?

The best thing to do if you are considering brining in external support for your business is to complete the contact box below or book a 30 mins free conversation and we can have an open conversation about your needs and if I am the best person to help you. 

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